It's a pretty simple app really. You create a view only API key, plug it into the app, add your phone number, and then you never have to open the app again. It will send you a text message when your orders fill. (It will work for all GDAX products, not just BTC!)
Here's exactly how it works:
1) Generate view only API key (this allows the app to read your completed orders).
2) Provide your phone number/carrier (so I can build your contact email i.e
3) The app will make a request every 60 seconds and record the number of completed orders you have in a database. Every time it checks, it will see if there's a difference in the numbers. If there is, it will build a message with information from that many of your most recent fills (something like buy: X TICKER at $Y total: $Z)
I originally wrote most of the backend Python of this a few months ago and I've been running it on my Raspberry PI and sending me a text when my limit orders fill. The main reason why I wrote this is because I thought it was something crucial that other services didn't offer, and being a Software Engineer I could do quite easily. A bunch of my coworkers who were also into trading cryptocurrency on GDAX really wanted to use it so initially I was just giving them the code but then I decided that since i've always wanted to have an app under my name on the App Store and learn Swift, this would be the perfect opportunity.
I have all of the code publicly visible on my Github HERE! The backend API is a flask web server running on an AWS EC2 Instance. The Database is an AWS RDS MySQL database. I've been using Flask for about 2 years and I never really thought that it could be practical for iOS dev elopment. It really surprised me how well it worked.
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